Gastric Sleeve Vs Mini gastric Bypass in Punjab - Dr.Amit Garg

Gastric Sleeve Vs Mini gastric Bypass in Punjab

Obesity was earlier prevalent in western countries but with the massive introduction of western diets in the Asian population has led to a dramatic rise in the incidence of obesity and obesity associated comorbidities. Today obesity is more common in females as compared to men and is growing rapidly to affect the younger population also.
Increasing weight not only affects your physical appearance but also leads to multiple health issues and reduces life expectancy. Today Morbid obesity is the preventable cause of early death worldwide and is a serious matter of Concern.
Many weight loss options like diets, exercising, medications, liposuction etc are available but Bariatric surgery is the only proven method for long term sustainable weight loss.
What is Bariatric surgery ?
Bariatric surgery is also known as weight reduction or weight loss surgery and is recommended for patients with BMI of more than 35 Kg/m2 who have tried dieting and exercise for more than 6 months with no results. Although bariatric surgery involves 6 – 7 types of weight loss procedure, gastric sleeve and mini gastric bypass are the most common procedures among all.
What is Gastric sleeve surgery in Punjab ?
Gastric sleeve surgery in Punjab is one the commonest weight loss procedures in which almost 70% of the stomach is removed laparoscopically using endo Gastro intestinal staplers made of Titanium. . This procedure is more suitable for very young or very old patients. It is recommended in young patients as it is a body friendly procedure and doesn’t require lifelong intake of supplements. In old age, this procedure is best preferred because it takes approx. 40 minutes to perform with a short anesthesia period and has faster recovery with lesser complications. Gastric sleeve surgery needs more discipline and commitments.

Dr Amit Garg

Minimal Access Bariatric
Metabolic & GI Surgeon


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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Dos after Gastric Sleeve Surgery
    • Take Frequent small meals
    • Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing
    • Take high protein diet
    • Fix your portion size
    • Regular walk of 30 mins

    Don’ts after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    • Avoid High calorie diets and liquids
    • Avoid aerated drinks
    • Avoid overeating.

    Always remember, the effect of gastric sleeve surgery is to help you to restrict your portion size
    and this is the reason it gives best results for patients who are volume eaters

    What is Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Punjab ?

    Mini gastric bypass surgery is a type of weight loss surgery which has replaced most of the known and gold standard bariatric procedures like Roux en Y Gastric Bypass. Mini gastric bypass has become one of the most preferred weight loss procedures in Punjab . In this procedure, a long pouch along the lesser curvature of the stomach is created before the Pylorus and approx. 2 meters of small intestine is bypassed and anastomosed to the newly created gastric pouch.
    This arrangement causes food to pass directly into the intestine and the gastric juices, bile and pancreatic juice mix with the food in the common channel which is 2 meters away. Mini gastric bypass is known as a malabsorptive procedure and it’s usually recommended in patients who are foody and those who cannot follow strict discipline.
    Patients are recommended to take a high protein diet and regular supplements of calcium, multivitamins and Minerals.

    Gastric sleeve Vs Mini Gastric Bypass in Punjab

    These both bariatric procedures are very powerful and have their own benefits.

    • Gastric sleeve is a body friendly procedure as compared to Mini Gastric Bypass/ MGB
    • Gastric sleeve surgery requires more discipline than MGB
    • Initial weight loss is more with gastric sleeve but overall weight loss is more with Mini gastric bypass
    • Post sleeve surgery patients are required to take supplements for 6 months to 1 year but post mini gastric bypass patients are required to take supplements for life.
    • Chances of Nutritional deficiency is more with Mini bypass than Gastric sleeve
    • Gastric sleeve preserves the natural anatomy whereas in Mini bypass access to biliary tract is lost.
    • Gastric sleeve is preferred over mini bypass for patients who have history of smoking as smoking increases the chances of marginal ulcers after MGB

    Laparoscopic Bariatric & Metabolic Procedures

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    Bariatric surgery is scientifically proven procedure that aims to help individuals with obesity achieve
    significant and sustainable weight loss by altering the digestive system. There are several types of
    bariatric procedures, each with its own approach and mechanism of action

    Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

    Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

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    Mini Gastric Bypass

    Mini Gastric Bypass

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    Sleeve Gastrectomy

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    Sleeve Gastrectomy with Proximal Jejunal Bypass

    Sleeve Gastrectomy with Proximal Jejunal Bypass

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    Loop Duodeno Jejunal with Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Loop Duodeno Jejunal with Sleeve Gastrectomy

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    Single Incision (Zero Scar) Bariatric Surgery

    Single Incision
    (Zero Scar)
    Bariatric Surgery

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